The Ospreys Coach Development Department held one of its regular coaching clinics at Dunvant RFC recently.
Gruff Rees, the Ospreys Skills Coach, led the session, which was on the topic of Innovative Attacking Skills.??
Following a PowerPoint presentation to illustrate the theme of the evening, Gruff demonstrated a series of attacking options with the assistance of the Dunvant Under 15 squad.??
The scenarios presented challenged the decision making of the players and introduced a number of new skills in order to take advantage of opportunities which presented themselves. The young players responded extremely well to the challenge and all present benefitted from this new approach.??
Tony Thomas, Ospreys Coach Development Officer, said:??
"As always, the session provided by Gruff was both enjoyable and informative. All coaches who take the opportunity to attend his clinics derive significant benefit. Gruff will be repeating the session at Pyle Rugby Club, next Wednesday (March 3rd) at 6.30. I would urge all coaches in the region to make every effort to attend."