OitC partner with Frontrunner events for the Swansea Half Marathon

OitC partner with Frontrunner Events for the Swansea University Half Marathon

We’re delighted to announce as part of our 10th anniversary celebrations that we’ve partnered with Frontrunner events, who are also celebrating a 10th Anniversary this year.

Frontrunner are a specialist mass participation event management company based in South Wales, who host the award-winning Swansea University Swansea Half Marathon, which is one of the biggest in Wales. 

As part of the partnership we’ll be offering sponsorship places to run in this prestigious event, right at the heart of our local community. We’re inviting runners to raise funds for our OITC 10 programs, supporting and raising awareness for the incredible work OITC does in the region.

We will also be inviting some of our schools from the region to take part in the 2km fun run, flying the flag for their individual schools. 

Neil Navarra, Fundraising Manager at Ospreys said: “We’re delighted to partner up with such and amazing event which coincidentally, will be celebrating their 10th anniversary too. We’d like to extend our thanks to all of the runners, raising money for us at OITC.”

Tash Smith, of Front Runner Events said, "We're delighted to have Ospreys in the Community as a charity partner for next year's half marathon. We hope this partnership will raise significant funds for OitC to continue positively impacting communities through the power of the Ospreys and sport."

If you’d like to raise funds for us, or put your school forward, please get in touch by emailing Neil Navarra onneil.navarra@ospreysrugby.com, or fill out the expression if interest form below.