Osprey Ian Gough may be used to smashing rucks to help recycle quick ball for his region, but now he's urging residents to do some recycling of their own.
The Council collects 29 tonnes of wasted food every day and now Gough is taking time out from recycling the ball on the pitch to encouraging people to take up the challenge and recycle kitchen waste in their own homes.
An image of Ian scoring a try with a Swansea Council kitchen waste bin has been popping up around the city in recent weeks and he says the more people who recycle the better it is for the environment.
He added: “I’m delighted to be involved with this important campaign to encourage people right across the city to help boost recycling rates.
As a professional rugby player I have to watch what I eat so I do all I can to reduce the amount of food which ends up in the bin. But if it’s got to go then it goes in the kitchen waste bin for recycling.”
June Burtonshaw, Cabinet Member for Place, said the council encourages people to reduce the amount of food they waste. But if there are any left-overs that have to be recycled then people should use the kitchen waste scheme.
She said: “All our recycling services are organised on a fortnightly green week or pink week basis. The exception is kitchen waste which can be put out for collection in animal-proof containers every week.
The reason for that is because people have told us they don’t want waste food hanging around too long in case it attracts animals or vermin. So if they put food waste out weekly rather than fortnightly in the black bags it’ll make all the difference for them and for the environment.”
Using the weekly kitchen waste collection service has never been so easy. Residents can not only get hold of a free set of kitchen waste bins but the Council also provides free compostable liners for the smaller kitchen waste bin. These compostable liners make the service more convenient to use and keeps the bins cleaner for both the residents and the recycling collection operatives.
At the moment Swansea Council is trying to boost recycling rates beyond the 52% Welsh Government target and kitchen waste is an area that’s seen as one which can be improved.