Shaun Connor was in attendance at the after school rugby club at Croesty Primary to offer his experience and support to the schools young rugby players.
As a school located in the thriving rugby populous of Pencoed, Croesty Primary offers a full extra-curricular programme for its pupils each week night. However, due to staffing resources and limited specialist knowledge, Croesty Primary was unable to offer rugby as part of its extra-curricular programme.
Acting Head Teacher, Mrs Pothercary, had been approached by parents to attempt to resolve this issue and subsequently approached the Ospreys for assistance. As part of it's Community Coaching initiative, the Ospreys Development staff have appointed a Community Coach to operate an after schools club for year 3 and 4 pupils, securing future rugby opportunities for Croesty Primary pupils. The Ospreys Community Development Officers are working closely with all the schools and clubs in Ospreylia. If you would like more information please contact the Ospreys office on 01792 616500